What's coming soon: different reviews, nail arts, my everyday make-up routine - order may vary!

August 17, 2014

new blog

Hey girls and guys, visit and follow me on my new blog since this one won't be updated and is on open hiatus: Moon River Waltz Have a great start to the week! (: ...

August 13, 2014

Mai 27, 2014

Lilactric ombre

Lately I'm into nail designing again... I don't know why. Maybe because I'm addicted to all these videos on YouTube. (; Before I was at a workplace where nail polish isn't allowed, so maaaybe I'm catching up on this now. Ok, on to the nail design: A simple light violet ombre! :D Actually this is the first time I did an ombre nail design... sounds strange, right? Because ombre is everywhere...

Mai 19, 2014

Top 5 under 5

Hello lovelies, I guess this is a tag which goes around on YouTube and the blogosphere so I thought... why not?! :D I think some make-up related things like this are fun although I don't like all the tags. For some girls it is really hard to choose their Top 5 under 5 €, because they mostly buy high end brands. But I'm a poor girl, so this could be something for me... but it's not that easy to find...

Mai 09, 2014

Minty marble-like nail design

Hello my lovely dears, how are you? Ah~ my life right now is... quite strange. I hope you are better than me. (; So today I want to show you a nail design I created a few days ago. Surprisingly I really like this one, although I had no idea how the outcome will be. It's a minty marble nail design. Or at least it should look like...marble? Or is it more a kind of...splattery nail art? I don't know...