What's coming soon: different reviews, nail arts, my everyday make-up routine - order may vary!

Februar 21, 2014

My favorite face mask - Balea Aqua cloth mask

I.love.this! Seriously! For me this is the best face mask in my local drugstore. You have to know that I'm quite lazy when it comes to using mask. I really clean my face well and I use moisturizer and eye cream and so on, but when it comes to masks, I'm a bit lazy. Sometimes it's a hassle to open a sachet, put this mask on your face with small strokes and then wash your face again... to prevent this I'm using cloth masks! Hah! :D

Balea Aqua was created for skins with too less moisture. This is a typical problem, especially with our environment: air conditioner, air pollution, bad cosmetica and so on. After using this mask my face feels sooo fresh and clean and well moisturized, also on my drier areas like the nose. (:

There isn't any easier way to use a face mask: clean your face, open it, put it on your face for at least 10 minutes, remove it and now you have a fresh face! :3 After that you can use your normal face cream and you are ready to go.

My rating: (5/5)
I will definitely buy this again and again and again. Especially for less than 1 €! :D

What is your favorite face mask? Do you use them regularly?

5 Kommentare:

  1. sounds lovely! have a nice week

  2. Hmmm....interesting. This seems like a great product to try out. I will surely check on this.

  3. This sounds lovely. My favourite mask is the Laniege Sleeping Pack. xx


  4. hört sich echt toll an! :)
    ich muss unbedingt wieder öfter masken machen :P


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