What's coming soon: different reviews, nail arts, my everyday make-up routine - order may vary!

März 20, 2014

KIKO Mat Base Corrector Primer

Today's review is about a primer - the KIKO Mat Base Corrector Primer. (:
This is what KIKO says about it:

"Mat face primer ideal for combination to oily skin that tends to become shiny during the day."

I have combination skin and get really shiny in the t-zone during the day and this base helps to keep my face a little less oily for a few hours. I don't know how it would work for girls with really oily skin but for me it works good. Not perfectly - I still need a good setting powder on my t-zone - but I don't look like a pig only after 3 hours anymore. (;

The consistency is a little weird, almost crumbly. But when you blend it on your desired area, it gets soft, but it's not easy to blend. What I don't like is that it can leave a white cast...this looks a little strange. As if the skin would be dry in hat spot. ):
The regular price is 8.90 € for 25 ml, which is ok for this base - it will last for a long time, because you just need a few small drops. :3

I think I will test other matte bases before I will buy this again, because:

1.) I don't like the consistency
2.) I don't like the white cast that it leaves on my quite dark skin

The rest is good.

My rating: (3/5)

Any face bases you recommend for oily skin/combination skin? 

50 Kommentare:

  1. mm, good primers are so hard to find, thanks for the review~



  2. Ich habe soo viele Primer benutzt nur um festzustellen dass meine Haut am wenigsten glänzt je weniger ich drauf mache xD An sich würde ich auch eher in ein gutes Puder investieren als an einen Primer, aber jede Haut funktioniert ja anders oder ich hab einfach noch nicht den richtigen gefunden :D

    1. Gut zu wissen! Also das ist bisher mein einziger Primer, den ich ausprobiert hat, was matt betrifft, aber ich dachte mir, ich probiere es einfach aus. Bisher hat es nicht geklappt, aber ich versuche es weiter. Ich benutze trotzdem noch mattierendes Puder, aber irgendwie hilft es trotzdem nicht q0q
      Also ich habe weder ein perfekt mattierendes Puder noch einen guten Primner gefunden, aber dieser hier ist wie gesagt mein erster.
      Was hast du denn so an Primer benutzt bzw. an Puder? Hat was geholfen? Hast du ölige Haut?

    2. Ich hatte ein Primer von L'oreal und eins von...oh gott, NYX glaub ich xD Beides war die ersten Studen echt ok, doch danach war mein Gesicht noch öliger als sonst ohne Primer :( Das Problem ist bei mir echt, dass meine Haut immer öliger wird, je mehr Produkte ich verwende, kann Primer sein oder auch Make up oder sogar Puder. Puder verwende ich übrigens MAC Blot Poweder oder auch Maybellines Fit Me Powder (kann ich beides empfehlen ^.^). Ich "enferne" das Öl aber davor mit einem Taschentuch bevor ich mir eine erneute Puderschicht drauf klatsche xD Oh und ich hab eine Mischhaut :)

    3. Ok, also ich hab auch eine Mischhaut. Ich werde dann eventuell erstmal das Fit Me Puder testen, wenn es das passend zu meinem Hautton gibt. Ich benutze zur Zeit ein Transparentpuder von Catrice, aber das mattiert auch nicht lange genug. Und darüber dann eins von MAC. 'Powder plus Foundation' nennt sich das, weil es auch eine recht gute Deckkraft hat. Aber wäre natürlich toller, wenn ich nur noch ein Puderprodukt benutzen könnte. q0q
      Wie lange bleibt deine Haut denn matt?

  3. Primer habe ich noch nie probiert. Meine Haut ist sehr empfindlich und ich habe Angst sie reagiert komisch drauf. Aber dieser Primer sieht gut aus. Vielleicht werde ich ihn mal probieren. ^^


    1. Ja, bei empfindlicher Haut muss man aufpassen und vor allem auf die Inhaltsstoffe schauen. Er ist nicht sehr gut, aber gut. Ich schaue mich weiter nach einem besseren um, aber anschauen kannst du ihn dir ja trotzdem mal! :D Hast du auch Misch- oder ölige Haut?

  4. i don't usually use primers. my powder foundation is a combination of base and foundation... and i believe what's said on the label x) lol. great review by the way :)

  5. Hey =) Toller Blog, folge dir gleich mal! Ich habe die Base auch und benutze sie aber nur, wenn ich feiern gehe d.h. wenn alles über Stunden matt und halten soll egal wie ich tanze oder schwitze. Für den Alltag ist sie mir viel zu schwer und "sticky" LG =)

  6. Thanks for your review. I don't like products that leave a white cast! =/ I hope u find one you absolutely cannot live without ^___^

  7. you have a good blog! Im follow you..
    Please visit my blog http://ylieby.blogspot.mx/

  8. It looks really great!!


  9. Ich suche schon lange einen guten ölfreien Primer. Vielleicht schau ich mir den von KIKO beim nächsten Ladenbesuch mal genauer an! :)

  10. great review, I have heard of this brand but I don't think it is available here :(

  11. I started using a primer few years ago and now I can't live without that! My fave is the one from Benefit. I buy it at Sephora stores!
    Bonjourchiara Facebook Page

  12. Hmm, I really dont like applying creams or gels on my face.. But I think that one is worth trying out :) Gig

  13. i dont know much of make up but with your review it can be a guideline.. thanks for sharing :)

    - from gig

  14. Too bad the primer doesn't work maybe you should try cc cream which is light coverage but the consistency is good keeping your face matte ,nice review

    Gig love ♡

  15. I personally do not like using primers because they can be such a hassle. I think there are other primers you can t as this doesnt really performed well. Gig

  16. This product looks good, wish you posted a before and after pic though so that we can see the difference... =)

  17. I've never heard of this brand before! My trusted primer is from Smashbox :)

  18. I've never use this kind of Kiko corrector but I know and I like very much Kiko products
    gig love
    Travel and Fashion Tips

  19. a good base is so hard to find! I love KIko BTW! Love their products! I wish they had an outlet in Belgium :X I travel so much that's why I am lucky to shop at kiko everytime, but otherwise I cant get them in Belgium :(

  20. I have never tried this product before - but thanks for the review gives me an idea on the product - gig

  21. I think I need to find a good primer now, nice review =) gig

  22. lovely post! nice product
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  23. I don't really use any base or anything when putting on my foundation although have started using a primer just for that poreless touch effect LOL. I don't like the sound of that white cast - definitely won't work for my skin.

    x donah

  24. One of my favorite primer or makeup base gonna be from Benefit - Porefessional. Although it has silicone, but it's very good!

  25. I haven't been great about wearing base over the years - Sounds like I need to give it a try! Thank you for the thorough review! <3 GIGLove

  26. This is great! Been reading a lot about the importance of primer, this product seems good..I wonder if it's available in my country. :-)

  27. I don't used any primer. :(

  28. Hey darling maybe you can try the Laura Mercier or Benefit Primer, it works great on my oily skin.. :)

    giglove, smallnhot.com

  29. love this brand :):) they have such great products, always go crazy when I shop there - www.carolinefashionstyling.com

  30. i think we have the same skin type...the shiny T-zone...i wanted to try this but becos of the white cast i don't quite like it.....currently im using MUA fashion primer for smoothing effect to cover my pores and MUFE HD primer to correct my skin tone can give a radiant pinkish finish!

  31. Oh man!!! I so want to try out KIKO products <3 You've same skin type as mine and currently I'm using Benefit Porefessional, Smash Box Photofinish Primer & MUA Undress Your Skin Primer and Im so glad by their performance.

  32. i still need to try other kiko products. i have really oily skin and doubt this would suit me much

  33. if u are looking for good yet resoanbly priced primer i would suggest u to try NYX primer.... they goes well with combination skin ,,,, i have never tried kiko products

  34. I like using benefit porefessional as primer. I also like using cc creams for the same purpose.

  35. The consistency you described is really strange! Too bad this isn't that great of a product, but if it was I'd probably use it on my t-zone too.

  36. I like the idea behind primer, but for some reason I'm not very sure they are good products for skin.

  37. funny ... lately I was trying Pure Chimp Super Cream and I had the same feeling regarding texture... your description of crumbly seems to be spot on

  38. Thanks for the review and I agree that primer is very important!

  39. Thank you for the review. It is my first time hear about this brand. Great post.

    GIG Love

  40. Wow this is the first time I heard of this brand! Thanks for the review!! Following you back love!! <3



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